Hello, from GuZoo,
This recent media blitz intended to ultimately have us shut down, has resulted in unprecedented offers of support and help in all imaginable ways. Face Book and other social media is a powerful tool, and it can work for or against us.
Once those photos hit the internet, we were bombarded with phone calls and emails of the nastiest description. Hidden intermittently between some of the most vulgar and fowl language I have seen and heard were death threats, not only to us, but to the animals also.
But after two days of this abuse, the tides began to turn and the phone calls and letters of support started coming in. By day four the supporters outnumbered the Anti GuZoo activists and we began to realize just how many lives we have positively touched over the years. It has been over a week since the beginning of all this crazy stuff and the letters and phone calls of support are still filling my mailbox and filling up our answering machine.
So, from the bottom of our hearts, we, the Gustafson family, would like to thank you so very much. I am sure you can appreciate the stress something like this causes to a family and having your support really lifted the load.
The governing authorities have done their inspections. We were visited by Alberta Fish and Wildlife, who two days later, issued us our permit. The ASPCA attended to do their routine complaint investigation concerning a goat with a broken horn, a tortoise with no heat lamp and a dog with a sore. The officers indicated the animals were dealt with to their satisfaction.
We will prevail.!
The GuZoo will live on!
And now more than ever, we have help.
So, since the amount of people wanting to help gets bigger everyday, a meeting has been organized for all those wishing to help out the GuZoo in any form they feel they can.
The meeting will take place April 30, at 2pm at the Super- 8 Hotel in Three Hills.
The purpose of this meeting is to organize different committees to take charge of the various aspects of GuZoo where people can help out.
For example:
A Fund Raising Committee
A Work Bee Committee
People from different towns and cities willing to be a donation drop-off point.
A Zoo Volunteer Committee (for ongoing animal related tasks at the GuZoo)
Volunteer drivers are needed to do pick-ups of meat and other perishable donations.
A Construction Committee (for building new shelters at the GuZoo).
A Donation gathering Committee (for gathering building materials etc?)
A Spending Committee (deciding how all the donation money will be spent).
There is already a registered non for profit Society in place called Friends of GuZoo Society. Some of the members will be there at the meeting. It is hoped that many of you will join the Society and form these committees under its name.
Membership is $15 per person or $25 per family per year.
The Friends of GuZoo Society has fallen into dormancy for the past year and a half. But the current members have high hopes of scooping up new members with new ideas and new energy to take the Society to a higher level. There is need for a Friends of GuZoo web site, a donation Pay Pal account, new executives to hold office, and new fund raising ideas.
So Please come to the meeting if you can. IF you can?t make the meeting but still wish to help out in some capacity, you will be directed to the people and committee you wish to be a part of.
See you there!